Included: 21 Cards Team Roles + 18 Cards The Happiness Hormones
- Team Roles Cards: With this tool you can appreciate roles inside
the team and the valuable contributions of each team member.
Therefore, you will determine whether a team is balanced, and
you will know how to make better contributions and reinforce skills
regardless of the position. Includes Belbin Roles, Holacratic-
Sociocratic Roles and Emerging Roles.
- Happiness Hormones Cards: Encourage positivity and
chemical communication in the team. This tool stimulates the
release of four natural chemicals in our bodies that are usually
defined as the 'happiness quartet': Dopamine, Oxytocin,
Serotonin and Endorphin.
We want to create an emotional space that opens up
possibilities for action through chemical communication-based
relationships and positivity, which refers to the quality and
manner in which relationships are managed inside a group.